5 tips for having a fun Halloween – bundleofjoybox

5 tips for having a fun Halloween

If you take part in Halloween and trick or treating, this post is for you. Living in Canada we have to plan for everything from snow to rain in October, and navigating costumes, snacks and meltdowns can make for a long evening. Here's a quick list to help you out this season! 

Toddler, baby in Halloween costume, baby trick or treating, Bundle of Joy Box Halloween tips

Costumes - Make sure your little ones costume is comfortable and big enough to go over a snowsuit if needed. Considering how temps can drop quickly in the evening, being able to layer clothes/sweater/jacket either under or over a costume is key. If your little one is walking on their own, make sure to have some sort of reflective fabric on their costume. Toddlers and young children can get super excited and dart off quick. 

Transportation - If you're little one isn't walking yet, or is in their toddler years, it's a good idea to have a stroller/wagon available. This is also good for the inevitability of you having to carry the candy bag home ;)

Toddler trick or treating, Bundle of Joy Box Halloween tips, toddler costume

Pre-trick or treat meal - Over the years I've learned to make sure my kids have at least a snack before going out. Depending on their ages, they might be excited to get going, but having a good dinner is the best way to keep from trying to eat all the treats along the way. Another lesson we *may have* learned the hard way is don't cook chili when you'll be out with out a bathroom ;)

Hydration - Having a water bottle handy is a great idea. Dehydrated kids (and parents) can make for a long night and meltdowns. 

Two babies in Halloween costumes, Bundle of Joy Box Halloween tips blog, Baby costumes

Enjoy the night - Halloween can be scary for little ones, if you come across a home that's too spooky for your child, skip it. Toddlers can also get overwhelmed seeing so many big people (older kids, teens, adults) dressed up in outfits they don't understand. Make sure to remind them that everything is pretend and they are safe. The biggest thing is to have fun. Follow your little ones lead, take your time, and take lots of pictures! They'll only be this little for a little while :)


Want a chance to win a Mini Self Care box? Head over to our Facebook group and enter our giveaway! 

Halloween costume, Bundle of Joy Box parenting group giveaway            Bundle of Joy Baby Halloween costume, Bundle of Joy Box parenting group



  • Nicole

    Great tips especially eat before and stay hydrated!

  • Deb B

    These are awesome tips! We often forget about the hydration part – and wouldn’t you know it, one of the houses we went to gave out water! We also skip out on the ultra scary houses, but my toddler actually wanted to go this year!

  • Clarice

    These are great tips! I agree with you that it’s helpful to bring a stroller or a wagon.

    Thank you for reminding us to feed and make the kids eat first before going out or else, they’ll only have candies and chocolates for dinner.

  • Danielle

    These are all such helpful tips for a fun Halloween!

  • Gervin Khan

    These are helpful tips, and I will definitely keep this in mind. Thank you!

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